Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Foreign Relations

Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Foreign Relations

Lawrence, Mark A.

Oxford University Press Inc






15 a 20 dias


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The 1930s and the Road to World War II

Afghanistan-US Relations
Agriculture and Food Aid in US Policymaking during the Cold War
Andrew Jackson and US Foreign Relations
Antinuclear Movement
Arab-Israeli Wars and US Foreign Relations
Argentina-US Relations
Asia Pacific and United States Strategy
Australia, New Zealand, and the US since World War II

Brazil-US Relations

Canada-US Relations, 1759-2019
Caribbean-US Relations
Central America-US Relations
Chemical and Biological Weapons
Chile-US Relations
China and the United States
Civil War in an Atlantic Context
Congo/Zaire and US Policymaking
Congress in the History of US Foreign Relations
The Constitution of the United States and Foreign Relations
Counterinsurgency in United States Army History, 1860 to 1975
The Cuban Revolution

Decolonization and US Foreign Relations
The Democratic Party and US Foreign Relations
Dwight D. Eisenhower and American Foreign Relations

Early American Foreign Relations, 1775-1815
Eastern Europe-US Relations
Egypt-US Relations
Environmental Diplomacy

The Federalist Era and US Foreign Relations
Foreign Economic Aid
Foreign Economic Policy
Foreign Trade Policy from the Revolution to World War I
France-US Relations
Franklin D. Roosevelt and US Foreign Relations

Gender in US Foreign Relations
Germany-US Relations
Grand Strategy

Harry S. Truman and US Foreign Relations
Henry Kissinger and US Foreign Relations
Human Rights and US Foreign Relations

Immigration Policy and US Foreign Relations before 1945
India-US Relations
Indigenous Nations and US Foreign Policy
Indonesia-US Relations, 1949-1999
Intelligence and US Foreign Relations
International Law and US Foreign Relations
International Terrorism and the United States
Iran-US Relations
Iraq-US Relations, 1920-2003
Ireland-US Relations
Israel-US Relations
Italy-US Relations

Japan-US Relations
John Quincy Adams: Architect of American Empire
Journalism and US Foreign Relations

The Korean Peninsula and US Foreign Relations
The Korean War

Labor and US Foreign Relations
The League of Nations and the United States
LGBTQ Issues and US Foreign Relations
The Long War on Drugs
The Louisiana Purchase: Liberty, Slavery, and the Incorporation of the
Territory of Orleans

Mexico-US Relations from Independence to the Present
Military Assistance Programs since 1945

NATO-US Relations
Neutrality/Non-Alignment and the United States
The Nixon Administration and American Foreign Relations
Nuclear Arms Control in US Foreign Policy


OPEC, International Oil, and the United States
Origins of the Vietnam War

The Panama Canal
The Persian Gulf War
Philippines-US Relations
Popular Culture and US Foreign Relations
Progressivism and US Power
Propaganda in the History of US Foreign Relations
Public Opinion and US Foreign Relations

The Reagan Presidency and US Foreign Relations
Religious Influences on US Foreign Relations
The Republican Party and US Foreign Relations
Russia-US Foreign Relations, 1917-1991

Saudi Arabia-US Relations
Scandinavia-US Relations since 1940
Social Science and US Foreign Affairs
Southeast Asia and the United States

Southern Africa and the United States
The Space Race and American Foreign Relations
Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

Technology and US Foreign Relations
Theodore Roosevelt and US Foreign Relations
The Third World and the United States
Thomas Jefferson and US Foreign Relations
Tourism in the History of US Foreign Relations

The United Kingdom and the United States: The Special Relationship
The United Nations and the United States
The United States at the End of the Cold War, 1989-1993
US Imperialism, 1898-1914
US Indian Policy, 1783-1830
US War in Iraq since 2003
The US-Mexico War

The Vietnam War and American Military Strategy, 1965-1973
The Vietnam War

West Africa and US Foreign Relations
William McKinley and American Empire
William Seward and the Diplomacy of the Civil War
World War I
World War II in Europe
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