Models of Quantum Matter

Models of Quantum Matter

A First Course on Integrability and the Bethe Ansatz

Eckle, Hans-Peter

Oxford University Press







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1: Introduction
Part 1 Methods and Models in the Theory of Quantum Matter
2: Quantum Many-Particle Systems and Second Quantization
3: Angular Momentum
4: Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
5: Phase Transitions, Critical Phenomena, and Finite-Size Scaling
6: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
7: Conformal Symmetry in Statistical Mechanics
8: Models of Strongly Interacting Quantum Matter
Part 2 Algebraic Bethe Ansatz
9: Ice Model
10: General Square Lattice Vertex Models
11: Six-Vertex Model
12: Quantum Tavis-Cummings Model
Part 3 Coordinate Bethe Ansatz
13: The Anisotropic Heisenberg Quantum Spin Chain
14: Bethe Ansatz for the Anisotropic Heisenberg Quantum Spin Chain
15: Bose Gas in One Dimension: Lieb-Liniger Model
Part 4 Electronic Systems: Nested Bethe Ansatz
16: Electronic Systems
Part 5 Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
17: Thermodynamics of the Repulsive Lieb-Liniger Model
18: Thermodynamics of the Isotropic Heisenberg Quantum Spin Chain
Part 6 Bethe Ansatz for Finite Systems
19: Mathematical Tools
20: Finite Heisenberg Quantum Spin Chain