Oxford Handbook of Victorian Medievalism

Oxford Handbook of Victorian Medievalism

Wagner, Corinna; Parker, Joanne

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias


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Joanne Parker and Corinna Wagner: Introduction
Part One: Medievalism before 1750
1: Philip Schwyzer: King Arthur and the Tudor Dynasty
2: Timothy Graham: Old English and Old Norse Studies to the Eighteenth Century
3: Graham Parry: Validating the English Church
4: Clare Simmons: The Diggers and the Norman Yoke
Part Two: Romantic Period Medievalism
5: David Matthews: The Ballad Revival and the Rise of Literary History
6: Jack Lynch: Medieval Forgery
7: Kirsten Wolf: Grimur Thorkelin, Rasmus Rask, and the Origins of Philology
8: Joseph Crawford: The Romantic Gothic Imagination
9: Tom Duggett: Gothic Ruins and Revivals: The Lake Poet's Architecture of the Past
10: Jim Watt: Sir Walter Scott and the Medievalist Novel
Part Three: Sources
11: Jane Toswell: The Study of Anglo-Saxon Poetry in the Victorian Period
12: Richard Utz: Chaucer Among the Victorians
13: Jane Hawkes: The Later Victorian Recovery of Anglo-Saxon Sculpture: George Forrest Brown (1833-1930), Proctor, Professor, Bishop and Anglo-Saxonist
14: Huw Pryce: The Irish and Welsh Middle Ages in the Victorian Period
15: Sarah Dunnigan and Gerard Carruthers: Scottish Neomedievalism
16: Eleonora Sasso: The Lure of Boccaccio's Medievalism
17: Carl Phelpstead: Eddas, Sagas, and Victorians
18: Francis Gentry: Medievalism as an Instrument of Political Renewal in 19th-Century Germany
19: Elizabeth Emery and Janet T. Marquardt: The Influences of French Medievalism on Victorian Britain
Part Four: Social, Political, and Religious Praxis
20: Will Abberley: Philology, Anglo-Saxonism, and National Identity
21: Richard Gaunt: Toryism and the Young England Movement
22: Dominic Janes: The Oxford Movement, Asceticism and Sexual Desire
23: Ian Haywood: Illuminating Propaganda: Radical Medievalism and Utopia in the Chartist Era
24: Corinna Wagner: Bodies and Buildings: Materialist Medievalism
25: Kathleen Davis and Nadia Altschul: Medievalism and Colonialism: Orientalizing Chile and India in the Age of British Militarized Mercantilism
Part Five: Arts and Architecture
26: William Whyte: Ecclesiastical Gothic Revivalism
27: Jim Cheshire: Victorian Medievalism and Secular Design
28: Alex Bremner: The Gothic Revival Beyond Europe
29: Ayla Lepine: The Pre-Raphaelites: Medievalism and Victorian Visual Culture
30: Jan Marsh: William Morris and Medievalism
31: Rosie Ibbotson: Revisiting the medievalism of the British Arts and Crafts Movement
32: John Haines: Medievalist Music and Dance
Part Six: Literature
33: Elizabeth Helsinger: Pre-Raphaelite Poetry: Medieval Modernism
34: Clare Broome Saunders: Women Writers and the Medieval
35: Marcus Waithe: Building Utopia: The Structural Medievalism of William Morris's News from Nowhere
36: Antony H. Harrison: Mid-to-Late Victorian Medievalist Poetry
37: Heather O'Donoghue: Re-presenting Icelandic Saga Narrative for Victorian Readers
38: Joanne Parker: Anglo-Saxonism and the Victorian Novel
39: Inga Bryden: Tennyson and the Return of King Arthur