Oxford English Literary History

Oxford English Literary History

Volume I: 1000-1350: Conquest and Transformation

Ashe, Laura

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias


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General Editors' Preface
List of Figures
Note on Languages and Translations
1. England c.1000: This World is in Haste
I: Violence in Crisis: Wulfstan and AElfric Writing the Last Days
II: The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles: Writing what Was Lost
III: Meaning and Uncertainty: Interpreting History
IV: The Battle of Maldon: Asking Questions
2. Conquests, Kings, and Transformations
I: Visions and Dreams: Miracle Stories in Conquered England
II: Transformations 1: Return of the Warrior King
III: Transformations 2: Soul-Searching
IV: Chronicles of Post-Conquest Kingship
V: Paying Court: New Ideals in the World
3. Know Yourslef: Interiority, Love, and God
I: My Flesh Is Immune to All Corruption: Christina of Markyate's Certainty
II: The Self Enclosed: Guarding the Heart in the Ancrene Wisse
III: For who Is Richer than Christ?: The Love of God
IV: Conclusion: Selfhood without Individuality
4. The Bellator and Chevalerie: The Struggle for the Warrior's Soul
I: Chansons and Chronicles of Crusade: The Warrior's Entreaty
II: The Ordene de chevalerie and Roman des eles: Remaking Knighthood
III: Epic vassalage and Romance chevalerie: Knighthood Shaped by Narrative
IV: The Soldier's Sacred Oath: Knighthood and the State
V: Gui de Warewic: The Moral Claims of English Knighthood
VI: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight's Noble Device: An English Poet Criticizes chevalerie
5. It is Different with Us: Love, Individuality, and Fiction
I: Marie de France's Lais, Lancelot, and Other Lovers
II: Strange Love: Thomas of Britain's Tristan
III: 'What appears to all, this we call Being'
IV: The Four Degrees of Violent Love
6. Conversations with the Living and the Dead
I: King Arthur, from Geoffrey of Monmouth to Wace and Lazamon
II: The Lamentations of Mary: Feeling for Christ in Latin Prose and French Verse
III: 'Stond wel, morder, ounder rose': Lyrics of Passion
IV: The Mirror of the Church and The Owl and the Nightingale: Orthodoxy and Reality
V: The South English Legendary: Faith and Community
7. Engletere and the Inglis: Conflict and Construction
I: The Community of the Realm: A New Public Discourse
II: 'He dredden him so bhef doth clubbe': Power and Coercion in Havelok
III: The French and English Brut: Vernacular Writing and the Politicization of History
IV: Wynners and Defendours and Assaillours: Disorders of Society
V: Conclusion
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