Street on Torts

Street on Torts

Witting, Christian

Oxford University Press






15 a 20 dias


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Part I. Introduction
1: Overview of tort law
Part II. Negligent Invasions of Personal, Property, and Financial Interests
2: Duty of care I: foundational principles
3: Duty of care II: bodily injury and psychiatric illness
4: Duty of care III: property damage and purely financial losses
5: Duty of care IV: public authorities
6: Breach of duty
7: Causation and remoteness
8: Defences to negligence
9: Liability for defective premises and structures
Part III. Intentional Invasions of Interests in the Person and Property
10: Trespass to the person and related torts
11: Wrongful interference with goods
12: Trespass to land
13: Defences to intentional torts against the person or property
Part IV. Misrepresentation-based and 'Economic' Torts
14: False representations
15: The general economic torts
Part V. Torts Involving Strict or Stricter Liability
16: Product liability
17: Nuisance
18: The rule in Rylands v Fletcher
19: Breach of statutory duty
Part VI. Interests in Reputation: Defamation
20: Defamation: foundational principles
21: Defences and remedies in defamation
Part VII. Privacy
22: Privacy actions in tort
Part VIII. Misuse of Process and Public Powers
23: Misuse of process and public powers
Part IX. Parties and Remedies
24: Vicarious liability
25: Capacity and parties
26: Remedies
Assunto não disponível.