Highly Irregular

Highly Irregular

Why Tough, Through, and Dough Don't Rhyme-And Other Oddities of the English Language

Okrent, Arika; O'Neill, Sean

Oxford University Press Inc






15 a 20 dias

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What the Hell, English?
The Colonel of Truth: What is the deal with the word colonel?
Fairweather Vowels: Why is y a sometimes vowel?
Hey Large Spender: Why do we order a large drink and not a big one?
Crazy English: Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
What the Hell is with What the Hell?
Blame the Barbarians
Thoroughly Tough, Right?: Why don't tough, through, and dough rhyme?
Getting and Giving the General Gist: Why are there two ways to say the letter g?
Egging them On: What is the egg doing in egg on?
I Ated All the Cookies: Why do we have irregular verbs?
It Goes by so Fastly: Why do we move slowly but not fastly? And step softly but not hardly?
Elegantly Clad and Stylishly Shod: Why is it clean-shaven and not clean-shaved?
Six of One, Half a Twoteen of the Other: Why is it eleven, twelve instead of oneteen, twoteen?
Woe is We: Why is it woe is me, not I am woe?
Blame the French
A Sizeable, Substantial, Extensive Vocabulary: Why are there so many synonyms?
Don't inSULT me with that INsult: Why are there noun-verb pairs that only differ by stress?
Without Fail: Why is it without fail and not failure or failing?
Ask the Poets Laureate: Why is it sum total and not total sum?
Of Unrequited Lof: Why isn't of spelled with a v?
Blame the Printing Press
Uninvited Ghuests: Why are ghost, ghastly, and ghoul spelled with a gh?
Gnat, Knot, Comb, Wrist: Why do we have silent consonants?
Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda: Why is there a silent l?
Peek, Peak, Piece, People: Why are there so many ways to write the 'ee' sound?
Crew, Grew, Stew, New...Sew?: Why don't sew and new rhyme?
Blame the snobs
Get Receipts on those Extra Letters: Why is there a p in receipt, an l in salmon, and a b in doubt?
Asthma, Phelgm, and Diarrhea: Why all the extra letters?
The Data are in on the Octopi: What's the deal with Latin plurals?
Too Much Discretion: Keeping discreet and discrete discrete, discreetly
Pick a Color/Colour: Can't we get this standardized/standardised?
Blame ourselves
Couth, Kempt, and Ruthful: Why have some words lost their better halves?
If it Ain't Broke, Don't Scramble It: Why is There no egg in eggplant?
Proving the Rule: How can an exception prove a rule?
How Dare You Say How Try You!: Why dare isn't like the other verbs
Release the Meese: Why isn't the plural of moose meese?
Why do Noses Run and Feet Smell?: A corny joke with a serious answer
Negative Fixation: Why can you say "this won't take long" but not "this will take long"?
Abbreviation Deflation: Why is there an r in Mrs.?
How it Comes to Be: How come we say how come?
Phrasal Verbs, Let's Go Over Them: But don't try to "go them over." (You can look them over though)
Terrible and Terrific, Awful and Awesome: How does the same root get opposite meanings?
Literally Messed Up: How did literally get to mean figuratively?
That's Enough, Now, English
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